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    230 Vues

    @Oliver-Twist Merci pour le support 😉

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    10 Messages
    441 Vues

    Merci beaucoup pour ta réponse, je vais essayé de voir leur transfert ok,
    agréable soirée.

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    5 Messages
    300 Vues

    @Herc merci pour vos infos. J’ai contacté le validateur. Il m’a dit que beaucoup de clients avaient des problèmes avec trust wallet. J’ai appliqué leur consigne. Mon retrait est en attente pendant 21 jours. Normalement, je devrais récupérer ma crypto à la fin de cette période. Au vu de mon expérience, je déconseille fortement d’utiliser trust wallet pour le staking. J’ai perdu tous mes gains à cause d’eux. Et, j’espère ne pas être en perte dans 21 jours.

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    *Dear SimplePOS User,

    our pool, our community and our team are facing a difficult time, as we have been the target of a very serious hack. While we are working as fast as we can behind the scenes and are doing everything technical to secure the system, legal to secure your rights as customers and emotional to help each other to get through this difficult time, most of the functions of our pool have been disabled.

    This means:

    deposits and withdrawals will not be processed. We recommend stopping depositing coins until we tell you otherwise. Shared masternodes and staking are disabled. No fees are being charged whatsoever. SimpleMasternodes are safe but may have been shut down during the attack. If they are, then you are not being charged service fees. If they continue running, you pay your normal fee.

    We recommend you join our Discord, where you can find more frequent updates and announcements. We will tell you, as soon as we can, a timeline of the next steps. We thank you for your understanding and we regret deeply that this has happened to our community. We ask for your patience now, and we will work things out together.

    Your SimplePOS Team

    Our discord: *

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    2 Messages
    2k Vues

    Retrouvez quelques videos pour mieux comprendre les masternodes:

    [FR]Comprendre les Masternodes [La Ferme du Mineur] 12mn46

    5 Trucs et astuces pour bien choisir un MasterNode [Monsieur TK]

    Masternode cryptomonnaies expliqué en 10mn ! [Languedegeek]

    Choisir un Masternode - Tuto de Prolo [Decrypt]